Horary question
Horary question
To buy a horary reading, just hit the Purchase button below, fill out the horary form with your question and other details, and pay the fee. I’ll receive your question by email, and if it makes sense to me I will cast a horoscope for that exact moment. If it doesn’t make sense I’ll contact you for clarification before casting the chart. Then I will analyse the chart using a set of traditional techniques to find the answer.
For your money you will get a short 2-3 page written response to your question, which I will send to you as a PDF file. You’ll then have the opportunity to discuss the answer with me via email, or via ZOOM video conference.
I aim to respond to all horary questions within 5 days.
* Please read both the horary astrology page» and my terms and conditions» before purchasing a horary question.
Guidelines for asking good horary questions
The best format for a horary question is a Yes or No question about a future event – “Will X happen, yes or no?”
You may also ask for timing as part of your question. For example, you may ask “Will X happen, and if so when?”
You may also specify a timeframe for the question. For example, you may ask “Will X happen in the next 6-12 months?” The answer will be limited to the timeframe you specify.
Other questions that depart from this format may also be acceptable. For more information, please read my horary astrology page»
Questions about options
I will accept “Stay or Go” questions, for example:
“Will it be better for me to stay in X or move to Y?”
“Will it be better for me to keep my current job or take the new job offer?”
I will not accept other questions about choosing between multiple options.
Questions about decisions
Do not use the word “Should…” in your question.
Instead, try to identify a possible future event that would influence your decision if you knew about it in advance, and ask “Will X happen, yes or no?”
For example, instead of asking “Should I cancel my health insurance?” ask “Will I have any major health issues or injuries in the next 5 years?”
Alternatively, try to identify if there is any missing information that, if you knew about it, would influence your decision, and ask about that.
For example, instead of asking “Should I buy this house?” ask “Does this house have any hidden issues that I am not aware of?”
Discount code
If you are experiencing financial difficulty or hardship, you are welcome to use the discount code ACCESS40 at checkout to get 40% off the price of the horary reading.
The full price reflects the time and attention I devote to my readings, and my long hours of study. My intention with the discount code is to ensure that my readings remain accessible to people from all walks of life.
I trust that those of you with the means to do so will pay the full price, but I also want those of you with limited resources to not feel any shame or hesitation to use the discount code.
Astrology is inherently an imprecise art, and at times astrologers can make inaccurate statements or predictions. Before asking a horary question, it is important for you to acknowledge that my answer to your question could turn out to be incorrect. I will not be held responsible for any subsequent actions you take after receiving my answer to your question.
Please note: I do not answer questions about medical matters.